The stables in Ammarnäs offer both short and week-long trips in the Vindelfjällen nature reserve. Ride during the day or join a longer trip with overnight stays far into the roadless nature. Whatever you choose to do, we can guarantee an unforgettable nature experience.
During the autumn, nature changes from the summer's floral splendor to crackling autumn colors and clear air. When you visit the Vindelfjällen nature reserve, located high on horseback, the nature becomes even more magnificent than when you hike. All overnight stays take place under a roof.
In the winter, we ride day trips in our immediate area where we use the various trails that are maintained during the winter season. It is magnificent to ride on a cold winter day with creaking hooves under it. All horseback riding tours based on Ammarnäs are Ecotourism-certified with Nature's best.